Terms of Service
By booking a ticket, the following conditions are recognized and effective. This applies to all tickets for the AutULMn Swing Thing.
The organizer of the AutULMn Swing Thing is Tanzstudio Hip-Twist GmbH. Any claims must always be made against the organizer. The AutULMn Swing Thing takes place on the premises of the Hip-Twist GmbH dance studio in Ulm.
Bookings, cancellations and changes to bookings
All ticket bookings - whether online booking on the Internet or buying a ticket in person in the Tanzstudio Hip-Twist GmbH office - are binding and cannot be rebooked to other people. When ordering via the Internet, the purchasing area provides a registration form which must be completed in full. Before sending, you must agree to the terms and conditions listed here. The final confirmation takes place after receipt of the payment.
All ticket bookings are payable within 10 days of the booking date using a SEPA direct debit mandate. Each ticket is only valid once it has been paid for in full within the specified payment period. Please note: fees incurred for transfers from abroad are borne by the buyer.
Collection, use of the tickets
All day and multi-day tickets are only issued directly at check-in on site, upon presentation of the e-ticket sent by e-mail (for tickets purchased in advance) or against cash payment at the day and evening box offices. The check-in is open at the times announced on this website during the workshop days. Tickets can also be bought on site as long as there are still remaining tickets available. As the customer, you are responsible for the proper storage of your ticket - the organizer assumes no liability for any lost tickets and no replacement tickets can be made available. Entry authorizations (tickets) may not be misused, copied or changed. By using the entry authorization, the user also expressly accepts the house rules of Tanzstudio Hip-Twist GmbH. The full passes and day tickets are issued in the form of control wristbands. These must be attached to the wrist on the day before attending a workshop etc. in such a way that they cannot be pulled over the ball of the hand. They are to be worn during the entire event and shown on request. As soon as a control bracelet is removed or cut, it is no longer valid. No replacement wristbands can be provided.
Event cancellation, changes, refunds
We reserve the right to make changes to the cast or program (dance instructor, workshops, ...).
In the event of the cancellation of the AutULMn Swing Thing, the ticket (s) can be returned up to 60 days after the originally planned end of the event against a refund of the purchase price on the way in which it was obtained. In the event of cancellation, postponement, program or cast changes, no costs (e.g. for travel, hotel, advance booking or processing fees) will be reimbursed.
ADDITION "Pandemic": For the period in which official requirements regarding a pandemic are drawn up, the following applies:
If only parts of the event (especially the evening events) are canceled due to official regulations or due to economic considerations on the part of the organizer, you will receive a full reimbursement of the portion of your paid participation fee that corresponds to the value missing, e.g. the value of one in a day ticket included evening menu or the surcharge for a seat. The omission of individual parts of the event does not entitle to withdraw from a booking if and to the extent that the event takes place otherwise.
The registrant and each participant expressly acknowledges that the organizer accepts no liability and that he attends the workshops, seminars and evening events as part of the event at his own risk. The registrant / participant is solely liable for any injuries or damage. The organizer is only liable for damage caused by his vicarious agents for willful intent and gross negligence. We do not grant any success for the course content.
data protection
All information on the use of data and data protection can be found here .
Photography / video recordings / copyright
The organizer points out that the AutULMn Swing Thing will be photographed and filmed. Films and photos of all people present (festival participants, visitors, artists, etc.) or excerpts, compilations, etc. can be published. At the same time, films and photos can also be used for promotional and advertising purposes (e.g. website, folder, press releases, TV and cinema spots, etc.) for the festival (current year and all subsequent years) and other events by Tanzstudio Hip-Twist GmbH; also for further commercial purposes (resale of photos and image rights). By registering for the AutULMn Swing Thing, the customer expressly agrees to the publication of the photos and film recordings made by him - free of charge for him. Your own recordings (video, photo, etc.) may only be made during the last five minutes of each workshop. In the event of a violation, a fee of € 200 will be charged. In this case, it is also the responsibility of the organizer to request existing photo or film material without replacement. In the event of repeated violations, a visitor can be excluded from the AutULMn Swing Thing. All rights of use for photo and video material remain with Tanzstudio Hip-Twist GmbH or with previous rights holders.
Smoking is generally not permitted in the event rooms.
Place of jurisdiction
The place of jurisdiction is Ulm
Dance studio Hip-Twist GmbH
Magirus-Deutz-Str. 10
89077 Ulm
Management: Ines Merath & Patrick Merath
Bank details
Dance studio Hip-Twist GmbH
IBAN: DE36 6305 0000 0021 0393 97
Sparkasse Ulm (SOLADES1ULM)
Data protection...
All information is used by us exclusively for internal administrative tasks and is not passed on to third parties. Changes to the name, address or bank details of the participants must be reported to the dance school immediately. Additional costs resulting from culpable omission will be borne by the participants. I agree that pictures of myself may be published on Facebook and Instagram at events of the dance studio for advertising purposes.